Ask the Staff: New Year's Reading Resolutions

You've celebrated the holidays with family and friends, and now it's time to get into your regular rhythms - including reading! We asked our staff what reading goals they had this year. We hope you enjoy some of their answers:

10 minute 38 seconds

Elizabeth, Librarian, Central Library:
A few years ago I read Marcus Samuelsson’s memoir Yes, Chef. His whole life was foreign to me, from his upbringing in Sweden to the anxiety-inducing competitive atmosphere of his workplace. One aspect of the book I could relate to was his appreciation for traditional foods from around the world. After I finished the book, I had the opportunity to visit his restaurant in Harlem, which was another exciting foreign experience: navigating the subways of New York alone, being seated at a table alongside strangers, and ordering the prix fixe. 

This year my goal is to recreate that experience 12 times over. I want to read a book each month about something foreign, and then somehow find a way to live the experience. For example, I might read a book in translation, and then cook a meal described in the book. I’ll be starting January drinking cardamom coffee and reading Elif Shafak’s 10 Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World, set in Istanbul. 


Becky, Children's Librarian, Central Library:
2020 is my year to celebrate stories through art! This year, I want to read fewer books but get the most out of them. I'm planning a project where I keep a sketchbook/journal and sketch the characters or scenes from books I find impactful, along with connections I make to the world.


Haley, Librarian, Central Library:
I have three main reading goals for this upcoming year: read 20 books, write reviews of each book I read, and keep a log of books I want to read. There are so many books out there to read that it can be overwhelming when choosing. Reading reviews of potential books I want to read can help sway or deter me from a book. I want to help others determine if a book is up their alley or not!


Rebecca, Librarian, South Side Library:
My 2020 reading goal is have 50% of my total books read in 2020 to be from books I already own and are on my shelf (physical and digital). I’m terrible about buying books and then leaving them to essentially collect dust while I speed through books I’ve borrowed from the library and I’d like to change that.


Reading Challenge

Sue, Library Director:
I’m hoping to get farther along on my 2020 DMPL Reading Challenge than I did for 2019!  I love the topics and it will force me to read outside my usual genres.


Carla, Librarian, Central Library
My main focus is reading for the pure fun of it – with an emphasis on witty, snarky, fast-paced, plot-based stories – whether they are realistic or fantasy. However, this year my goal is to read at least one ‘serious’ book a month. Not sure I’m ready for heavy drama, introspection, and dysfunctional families but I’ll at least give more nonfiction a go.


Marlú, Library Assistant, East Side Library:
1) Read more authors of color

2) Read more queer/nonbinary (enby) authors/content

3) Read all the books I bought at the planned parenthood book sale and have at HOME!


Me Elton John

Luann, Clerk, Central Library:
I am determined to get through the very wordy, very small print book of 374 pages: Me, by Elton John.


Katie, Program Coordinator:
My reading goals for 2020 are to:

  1. Participate in and complete the DMPL Reading Challenge and the Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge. But remembering what Anne Bogel says, “we love reading, but don’t believe it’s a competitive sport. We care about quality way more than we care about quantity:  reading well doesn’t necessarily mean reading more.”
  2. Continue to listen to my favorite podcast, What Should I Read Next?
  3. Curate a diverse list of books for my books club’s 2020 selections.
  4. Attend all the AVID events.
  5. Discuss books with anyone who is interested. 😊
  6. Continue to share my love of reading with my family, friends, colleagues, and all ages of DMPL patrons.
  7. Visit Parnassus Books.
  8. Organize my books shelves.
  9. Keep a reading journal (this is the loftiest of all the goals).

Kate, Supervisor, North Side Library
My reading goal this year is to give myself permission to quit a book at any point while reading it. I always tell patrons they don’t have to finish a book they don’t like, but I rarely follow that advice myself! Sometimes I get halfway or two-thirds of the way through a book before I realize I’m not really liking it and then I force myself to finish it, since I’ve already invested the time in reading that far. I have to remember that time spent slogging through a book I don’t like is time taken away from reading something I adore!

Published on January 02, 2020
Last Modified July 16, 2024