Staff Spotlight: Miss Nichole

Meet Miss Nichole, the new Youth Librarian at the East Side Library! You will see her at the desk, leading storytimes, and out in the community.

Tell us about the first book you loved as a kid. 

The first book I remember loving and reading over and over is Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. The poems were so silly and made me laugh so hard. It is still a book that I open as an adult to bring a smile to my face. Another favorite of mine is Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Caroll.

What inspired you to become a librarian? 

Before coming to DMPL I worked in education for 17 years. Over the years, I have worked with youth from preschool to high school. In 2017, I graduated with a Master of Information and Library Science from the University of Iowa. I have been working as a Teacher Librarian for the past 6 years at an elementary school. I am a firm believer in the power a book can provide a human being, no matter what age. Becoming a librarian allows me to continue my passion for children’s and young adult literature while helping to build up our community.

What do you enjoy most about storytime?

My favorite thing about storytime is the excitement and energy the kids bring while we are singing a song or reading a book! I love sharing stories and encouraging families to use the library resources. Learning to read begins at an early age and I think that storytimes at the library can help foster that lifelong love for learning and reading.

What is one children's book that you recommend parents check out?

A book I love to share with parents is The Year We Learned To Fly by Jacqueline Woodson & Rafel Lopez. This book is a sweet story that reminds us that we all have the power in each of us to face challenges with confidence, even on rainy days!

What is a recent book you read that you recommend people check out? 

I just recently finished a couple of adult memoirs that I really enjoyed and will keep you laughing

A children's book that I finished and loved not too long ago is the Greenglass House by Kate Milford  

Published on February 15, 2023
Last Modified July 27, 2024