DMPL Warming Centers

All DMPL Locations are currently serving as Polk County Warming Centers during open hours. DART will provide free transportation to the nearest Warming Center upon request. Learn more about where other Warming Centers are located at the Polk County website.



What are Launchpads?

Launchpads are durable tablets made for kids now available to check out from the Des Moines Public Library. Preloaded with educational content they will keep your kids busy and learning for hours. Each of our 30+ Launchpads has a different theme or learning objective from reading comprehension to nature, space, and more.


Launchpads work without wifi, and there is no set up or download time after you bring the tablet home with you.

Reading Academy

The Des Moines Public Library has purchased Launchpads from the first three levels of the Reading Academy Every app, storybook, and video has been hand-selected to help kids gain the knowledge they need to transition from learning-to-read to reading-to-learn.

Level 1—Pre-Emerging Readers

Level 2—Emerging Readers

Level 3— Early Developing Readers

Pre-K Academy

Launchpad Pre-K Academy gives preschool-aged children different paths to explore on their way to kindergarten. Tablets in this collection help little learners develop the skills needed to enter their first year of school and inspire them to try new things with confidence.