Our online catalog just got better!
We’ve made some improvements to the catalog at dmpl.org. Check them out by logging into your account on the catalog, using your library card number and PIN.
Here are a few of the highlights:
- Find the items you want, FAST. We’ve streamlined our search results so you can quickly find what you want, in any format, within one search result.
- More recommendations and highlights. Quickly browse new and trending titles for books and DVDs.
- Create, manage, and share lists. Create your own lists of your favorite books, your TBR shelf, and more. Then share them with others!
- Book suggestions while you wait. Putting a popular book on hold? We’ll show you readalike books to borrow while you wait for your turn.
- Start reviewing and rating books. The more you rate, the more personalized our reading recommendations will be.
- Link your family’s accounts. You can now link all the library cards in your household together to easily view all checkouts, holds, and fines.
- A new library app on your phone. Download the Aspen LiDA app to search our catalog, put items on hold, and more! With the Aspen LiDA app, your phone = your library card.
Import Your Lists
Import your lists from our old catalog into your account on our new system.
1. Log into your account on our new catalog
2. Click "My Account"
3. Expand the "My Lists" section
4. Click "Import From Old Catalog" and your old lists will be automatically added to your account.
Let us know if you have any questions, or if you need help librarians and staff at any of our locations would be happy to assist you.